- October 13, 2024
41 views 11 mins

Misconceptions- “If you have negative views on allosexuality, you must be against reproduction” “Humans would cease to exist if everyone were asexual” “How can one be married or have a biological child via sex? Either way, can’t be asexual. The person was faking asexuality. “ “How can one have have a biological child yet self proclaim to be a virgin? Why does the person lie to our face? Do they think we are dumb?” Clarifications- Being an asexual has nothing to do with being against the idea of reproduction, that’s antinatalism. Antinatalism is not the same as a personal choice to not reproduce. By the way, antinatalism is not confined to any romantic and sexual orientation. There are hetero alloromantic hetero allosexual (ie straight ) antinatalists as well. As for infertility, asexuality and infertility are two distinct things. The prevalence of infertility among  asexuals and allosexuals, is the same. Thereby, an asexual (unless infertile ) is fully capable of having a biological child. Reproduction is the consequence of fertilization of sperm and egg, usually achieved through sex (unless artificial methods). For most people (ie allosexuals), reproduction is achieved through sex and sex…is done as a consequence of  a general state of sexual desire or  sexual attraction driven person specific sexual desire. Thereby for most , reproduction is a consequence of  sexual desire and sexual attraction. Probably this is why people  find it hard to understand how an asexual can reproduce if they experience no sexual attraction, worse if also doesn’t have sexual desire. Why? cuz they can’t imagine how one would have sex without the former, since for them irrespective of the wish for a biological child , the reason they are driven to perform sex, is due to sexual attraction and sexual desire. Well…this ain’t  rocket science. If an asexual wants a biological child, they might choose to engage in the act of sex, with their  opposite sex romantic partner (asexuality is not aromanticism). They might do it as a chore  for the procurement of a biological child , without sexual attraction and maybe no sexual desire as well.  ” How can one do something without a drive , even if it’s for the sake of a child ?” Hmm, would people work if there were no salaries? One may or may not enjoy their job but even if one doesn’t enjoy the job , one would work anyway for the fruit of hard work. Not necessarily everything one does has to be enjoyed. Earlier , reproduction was guaranteed if one gets into the act of sex and for most folks , sex was a guaranteed thing. Hence , irrespective of ever wanting a child, one would end up reproducing anyway (unless infertile). Things are different now, due to the advent of contraceptives. People can control the consequence of sex, thereby  reproduction being a  conscious choice. Reproduction for most part has nearly always been a conscious choice for asexuals anyways but nowadays, it’s a conscious choice for allosexuals as well. The only difference, their act of sex is driven by sexual desire +/- sexual attraction (often both), irrespective of wanting a child.  They engage in the act of sex anyway due to an intrinsic drive , all the while exterting control over the consequence. When they desire a biological child, they perform sex free of contraceptive and when they don’t desire a biological child , they block the consequence with contraceptive. Other than this, reproduction is a choice for allosexuals as well as asexuals . Asexuals as well as allosexuals can reproduce , unless infertile or having anatomical abnormalities . So no, humans would NOT cease to exist even if all were asexual. If everyone were asexual, all children would be planned ones. Also, no orphanages would exist. Hence, the theory of asexuality being a threat to human race debunked. When people say, allosexuality is the reason for humans to exist, kinda makes it seem they are having sex to save the human race. Majority of sex life for allosexuals is not for reproduction sake but sexual attraction+sexual desire driven. So, there is no need to validate allosexuality by linking it to reproduction cuz we all know that ain’t true. Heck, people even have sex outside of romantic relations, ie hookups, friends with benefits and asking  sex workers for their service.  Even industries such as sex tourism and porn , thrive on basis of sexual desire +/- sexual attraction (often both). They certainly are not driven by the wish to reproduce . Popular series, mainstream movies, advertisements too are reflective of just that, ie making use of a carnal instinct (an instinct for allosexuals ), since it captures their attention, to get more views, hence money.  So, it’s absurd to invalidate asexuality by saying allosexuality is a reproductive tool, when 99 percent of their lives, people try to prevent reproduction. On the other hand, it’s asexuals who have biological children purely by choice, as they can restrict sex to that. Also, an asexual can marry. Marriage isn’t about allosexuality or asexuality. It’s about life companionship. It need not even be restricted to a romantic relation, sexual relation or both.  It’s compatibility that matters, ie romantic orientation compatibility, sexual orientation compatibility , even within allosexuality the compatibility of sex drive, also other general measures of compatibilty . Marriage can mean different things to different people. The issue is, people seeing things strictly through their lens. Marriage doesn’t mandate sex. The ones who want, they perform sex , those who don’t, won’t .  Just cuz most want sex, hence perform sex, people think one must be having sex if married, not realizing not everyone wants sex.  This is why people think one may be lying, if they say they are asexual and married. An asexual can marry another asexual , in romantic love or platonic relation.  Also, an asexual who is sex neutral may even perform sex for their allosexual partner , without themselves ever having the need to do so.

romantic oreintation:hetero leaning, in aromantic spectrum sexual oreintation: sex negative asexual who is anti allosexual and ...
- October 2, 2024
18 views 10 mins

As someone who identifies as an ace(asexual) and lust-negative, the concepts of celibacy, abstinence, and the absence of sexual attraction resonate on a personal level. It’s not uncommon for people to conflate or compare different ideas around celibacy and asexuality, and one such comparison often arises with the spiritual practice of Janam Jaat Brahmacharya. This term, deeply rooted in Indian spiritual traditions, refers to someone who is celibate by birth, living a life free from sexual desire. While this might sound similar to asexuality, there are key differences. As someone who naturally doesn’t experience sexual attraction, I’ve found it helpful to explore these concepts and understand where they overlap and where they diverge. Let’s try to find out difference between someone who identifies as asexual.  What is Janam Jaat Brahmacharya? In spiritual traditions, particularly those rooted in Indian philosophy, Janam Jaat Brahmacharya refers to a state of lifelong celibacy that is believed to be inherent from birth. The term itself translates to “by birth” (Janam Jaat) and “celibacy” or “self-restraint” (Brahmacharya). Those who are considered Janam Jaat Brahmacharis are thought to naturally live without sexual desire or activity, often dedicating their lives to spiritual growth and higher purposes. Figures like Lord Hanuman from Hindu text are held up as examples of Janam Jaat Brahmacharis, individuals who never experience sexual urges and devote themselves fully to their divine or spiritual missions but with that it also indicates presence of asexuality and also there acceptance and  honoured with respect in society, but the modern terms where not in ancient times, so we can consider Brahmacharya as a Broad term Whether in this lustful world many have faced injustice and also treated badly as a disease due to degraded perception and lustful world. For them, celibacy is seen as a path to spiritual purity and strength, a way to transcend worldly desires and focus on higher goals.  What is Asexuality? Now, from the perspective of an asexual person, asexuality is quite different. It’s not about taking a vow or committing to celibacy for any spiritual reason. It’s about naturally not experiencing sexual attraction. It’s who I am, not something I consciously choose or practice. For someone who’s asexual, the absence of sexual attraction is just another way of being, much like how some people experience attraction and others don’t. Asexuality doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding relationships  altogether. It simply means that the typical sexual desire that drives many people isn’t present for us. Some ace individuals might be in romantic relationships, some might not, but the key factor is that sexual attraction isn’t a part of our experience. The Overlap with No Sexual Desire and Brahmacharya At a surface level, there’s an obvious similarity between Janam Jaat Brahmacharya and asexuality neither involves sexual desire. Whether it’s a Janam Jaat Brahmachari who is celibate by birth or an asexual individual who doesn’t experience sexual attraction, both live without the drive for sexual relationships. As someone who is asexual and lust-negative meaning I don’t just lack sexual attraction but actively dislike the concept of lust it’s easy to understand why these ideas might be grouped together. Both reflect a lifestyle free from sexual desire, something that many in our highly sexualized world might find difficult to understand. The Differences is a difference and comparison Spiritual Discipline vs. Innate Orientation But despite the overlap, the key difference lies in the why and how behind this lack of sexual desire. 1. Innate vs. Spiritual Discipline: – For a Janam Jaat Brahmachari, celibacy is tied to spiritual purity and a higher purpose. It’s often seen as a divine gift or a form of self-discipline meant to channel energy toward spiritual goals. This is a very conscious, even sacred practice. – For me, as an asexual person, there’s no spiritual goal or discipline involved. It’s simply the way I am. I don’t experience sexual attraction, not because I’ve chosen to abstain or because I’m aiming for spiritual purity, but because it’s just not part of my identity but would like to join the path of the spiritual journey. 2. Choice vs. Nature: – The concept of Brahmacharya often involves a conscious decision to remain celibate, particularly for those who adopt Brahmacharya later in life. While a Janam Jaat Brahmachari might be considered naturally celibate from birth, the broader practice of Brahmacharya requires deliberate abstinence. – Asexuality, on the other hand, isn’t a choice. It’s a natural orientation. I didn’t wake up one day and decide that I would live without sexual attraction it’s simply the way my mind and body work. There’s no conscious effort required to “maintain” asexuality. It just is. 3. Cultural and Spiritual Significance: – In many cultures, particularly those influenced by Indian spiritual traditions, Brahmacharya is held in high regard. It’s often associated with purity, discipline, and even divine power. Someone practicing Brahmacharya might be revered for their ability to abstain from sexual desires. – Asexuality, however, is often misunderstood. In today’s society, being asexual can sometimes be seen as strange or “lacking,” and there’s still a long way to go in terms of understanding and acceptance. Many people don’t realize that sexual attraction isn’t universal and that it’s perfectly okay not to experience it. A Personal Reflection on Celibacy and Asexuality the reason to linking it as a broad term As an asexual, lust-negative individual, I find the idea of. Janam Jaat Brahmacharya intriguing. In some ways, it mirrors my own experience of not feeling sexual attraction, but the motivations and cultural context behind it are vastly different. For me, there’s no deeper meaning or spiritual pursuit behind my lack of sexual desire it’s just who I am. I live my life free from the pressures of lust or sexual expectations, not because I’m seeking enlightenment, but because that’s my nature. There’s something freeing about understanding that my experience is valid, whether or not it fits into traditional spiritual or societal norms. I don’t need a spiritual reason to explain my lack of desire,

I am An IndoNepali ace aromatic lust negetive identify my self Natural Brahmacharya ...
- September 29, 2024
78 views 7 mins

Asexual and Lust-Negative The Journey of a Natural Brahmachari and what does it means ? In a world where sexual desires and romantic relationships are often placed at the center of human existence those who walk a different path often feel alienated misunderstood and undervalued. Among these individuals are those who identify as asexual and lust-negative, a combination that reflects not only a lack of sexual attraction but also an aversion to the very concept of lust itself. For many, this identity feels deeply spiritual, and they come to see themselves as modern-day Brahmacharis, navigating life in harmony with their innate principles. Understanding Asexuality and Lust-Negativity Asexuality, simply put, is the absence of sexual attraction. Asexual individuals may have relationships, experience romantic love, and enjoy deep emotional connections, but sex itself does not hold the same significance for them. Lust-negativity, on the other hand, goes a step further. It encompasses a deep discomfort or aversion toward sexual desire not just within themselves but often in the world around them. These individuals might feel that society’s obsession with lust distorts the purity of human relationships and personal purpose. For someone who is both asexual and lust-negative, the journey often feels like a calling. While the world around them is preoccupied with physical attraction, they remain focused on something higher whether it’s intellectual fulfillment, personal growth, or spiritual awakening.  The Path of Natural Brahmacharya The concept of Brahmacharya derived from ancient Hindu philosophy, refers to the practice of celibacy, self-restraint, and dedication to a higher purpose. Traditionally, Brahmacharya was seen as a phase of life, a time when one devoted themselves to learning, spirituality, and inner purity. However, for those who identify as natural Brahmacharis, this is not just a phase it is a lifelong commitment, a state of being. Natural Brahmacharis do not suppress or fight their sexuality out of religious duty or societal expectations. Instead, they embrace asexuality and lust-negativity as a reflection of their true selves. Their lack of interest in sexual pursuits is not seen as a deficiency but as a powerful source of clarity and focus. They are free from the distractions that many others find consuming, allowing them to channel their energies into creative, intellectual, or spiritual pursuits. The Challenges of a Lust-Driven World Living in a society that idolizes romance and sexual fulfillment can be challenging for those who walk this path. Advertisements, movies, social media all glorify the idea that happiness comes from physical intimacy and the pursuit of romantic relationships. For asexual and lust-negative individuals, these messages often feel suffocating and alienating. They may struggle with the assumption that something is “wrong” with them, simply because they do not share the same desires as the majority. But for the natural Brahmachari, there is immense strength in resisting these pressures. It is an act of quiet rebellion, a refusal to conform to a narrative that doesn’t reflect their truth. Instead of seeking validation from a society that often misunderstands them, they find contentment in their own authenticity. Embracing Purity and Higher Purpose The natural Brahmachari’s life is one of dedication not to societal norms or fleeting pleasures, but to the cultivation of inner peace, knowledge, and spiritual growth. Their commitment to celibacy is not a sacrifice but a conscious choice that aligns with their values. By rejecting lust, they make room for deeper, more meaningful connections with others. Friendships and relationships are built on trust, respect, and emotional intimacy rather than physical attraction or desire. In many ways, the natural Brahmachari is a beacon of purity in a world overwhelmed by materialism and fleeting pleasures. They remind us that fulfillment doesn’t have to come from external sources, and that true happiness can be found within. Finding Strength in Solitude It is common for natural Brahmacharis to spend time in solitude, reflecting on their place in the world and cultivating a deeper connection with their inner selves. While this solitude can sometimes feel isolating, it is also a source of profound strength. The natural Brahmachari is not lonely they are alone with their thoughts, their purpose, and their commitment to living an authentic life. In their quiet moments, they find peace, contentment, and an unshakable sense of self.  Walking the Path of the Natural Brahmachari For those who identify as asexual and lust-negative, their journey is one of self-acceptance, resilience, and spiritual growth. In a world that often tells them they are missing out on something essential, they stand firm in the knowledge that their path is just as valid, just as fulfilling, and just as worthy of respect. The natural Brahmachari walks through life with a unique sense of purpose one that is free from the distractions of lust and the expectations of society. Their path may be solitary at times, but it is also deeply profound, rooted in authenticity and a higher calling. They are proof that there is more than one way to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, and that true happiness comes not from conforming to the world around you, but from embracing who you truly are.

I am An IndoNepali ace aromatic lust negetive identify my self Natural Brahmacharya ...