Asian Network of A-Spec Queer Activists (ANOAQA) is a partnership platform for Asian A-Spec Queer organizations to support each other.

In 2020, ANOAQA marked its official launch, focusing on reaching out to asexual individuals and organizations across different countries in Asia. Building on this foundation, a significant collaborative effort is now underway. ANOAQA is embarking on a major initiative by introducing the first Asian asexual blog to focus “Asexual Landscape in Asia.”

Asexual Landscape in Pan Asia

The Asian Network of A-Spec Queer Activists (ANOAQA) has launched a pioneering blog designed to amplify the voices of asexual, aromantic, and agender (A-Spec) individuals throughout the Asia-Pacific. This platform aims to raise awareness of the unique challenges these communities face, such as hate crimes and systemic discrimination, while promoting greater visibility and understanding. Featuring A-Spec literature, educational materials, and a special archive focused on South Asian asexual experiences, ANOAQA’s blog is a vital resource for community engagement, narrative-sharing, and combating misconceptions about A-Spec identities.

At its core, ANOAQA  houses the Asia Pacific Aro-Ace Archive—a comprehensive repository of case studies, reports, artwork, films, campaigns, books, and oral histories. This archive not only documents the stories and struggles of asexual and aromantic individuals but also serves as a powerful tool for education and building solidarity across the region.

The Asian Network of A-Spec Queer Activists (ANOAQA) is the organizer of Asexual Pride Asia, a pride event in the Asia-Pacific region that aims to uplift and advocate for asexual and aromantic (A-Spec) queer individuals pacific region. This event is licensed by ANOAQA and hosted by a member organization.

Asexual Pride Asia

Asexual Pride Asia is the largest asexual-led virtual pride network for Asian people. Based in Bangladesh, we got solidarity from 12 Asian countries- Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore. 7 Asian countries have their ANOAQA ambassador- Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines.

Asexual Pride Asia is an annual symposium organized by team ANOAQA with the aim of celebrating and promoting A-spec (asexual, aromantic &agender spectrum) pride within the Asian region. Taking place during Pride Month each year, Asexual Pride Asia serves as a significant platform for the A-spec community to gather, connect, and express themselves. The symposium features a diverse range of activities including conferences, seminars, and exhibitions that highlight queer art and culture. By providing a space for education, discussion, and artistic expression, Asexual Pride Asia contributes to raising awareness about asexuality and creating a supportive environment for individuals across the asexual spectrum in Asia.

What are ANOAQA's objectives?

  • Disseminating news and information on Asexual Hate Crimes from all parts of Asia, which are ignored in the mainstream media, and taking effective action to stop that.
  • Foster meaningful connections for Asian Asexual Queer to engage with the ANOAQA platform, and be provided with opportunities to develop themself.
  • Giving visibility and recognition of the asexual activism in the larger LGBTQ+ community.
  • Nurturing the young and emerging asexual activist in contemporary queer leadership.
  • Making sure equal opportunities for every gender.
  • Specialist audiences – Asexual communities will have the opportunity to talk openly about their experiences alongside the allosexual LGBTQI+ community and participate & celebrate pride in a safe, protected environment at ANOAQA.
  • Offering an annual online symphosium, free to the public will be organized including activists, cultural representatives, academics, and curators to explore issues raised.
    Offering practical workshops will be offered to volunteers.
  • Exploring the international arena of art by the LGBTQ+ artists of Asia.
  • Engaging wider audiences outside of LGBTQ+ in much-needed dialogue around LGBTQ+ identities through the Asexual Pride Asia online Festival.

Research and Education on Asexuality

  • In-Depth Research on Asexuality: Commission research papers and studies that explore asexuality and aromanticism in the South Asian context. These studies will explore issues such as forced marriages, familial expectations, societal pressures, and religious influences on asexual and aromantic individuals.

  • Challenges and Discrimination: Provide detailed reports and analysis on the discrimination and hate crimes faced by asexual and aromantic individuals in Asia. By documenting these stories, the platform will serve as both an educational resource and a tool for advocacy.

  • Representation in Media: Analyze and critique the representation of asexual and aromantic identities in Asian and global media, including film, television show, and digital media. The ANOAQA blog will offer commentary on how these identities are portrayed and propose ways to improve visibility and accuracy in the media landscape.